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房地产 物业




公司规模:1 - 49人


业务拓展经理 招聘信息







工资待遇:15000 - 20000

业务拓展经理 职位描述

Job Responsibilities:
1.Assist the Technical Director in in-depth research on customers' needs for MEP prefabricated assemblies, analyze and refine project characteristics, and answer customers' questions about the company's products and MEP prefabricated modules’ solutions.
2.Collaborate with the Technical Director on customer communication, technical exchanges, site inspections, sample design, etc., to ensure accurate understanding and satisfaction of customer requirements.
3.Coordinate with the team to organize and execute technical solutions and sales presentations, ensure smooth project progress, and follow up on key project milestones.
4.Collaborate to provide customer training, solve technical problems encountered during project execution, and ensure customer satisfaction.
Job Requirements:
1.Bachelor's degree or above, with a preference for majors related to Building Service engineering, Quantitative Surveying (QS), architectural design, civil engineering, or project management.
2.2-3 years of experience in BIM modeling and BIM consulting, familiar with the characteristics of integrated/combined service drawing/modeling, model clash detection, and model deliverables, and understand the design management needs of general contractors, owners, and design consultancy for MEP engineering.
3.Prior experience in customer relationship maintenance and project negotiations is preferred.
4.Excellent communication and expression skills, able to fluently use Cantonese and mix English technical terms to communicate with customers in Hong Kong and Macau, without dialect accent.
5.Proficient in Revit software operation, able to accurately introduce and promote software products and integrated design and procurement solutions.
6.Possess certain market analysis, business planning, and solution writing capabilities.
7.Able to adapt to frequent business trips between Shenzhen and Hong Kong.


過往五年,香港建造業議會CIC積極推動DfMA (可供製造及裝配的設計)在建築業開花結果。建築業的DfMA和汽車製造業相像,都是以產品為中心而有別於AEC行業,一般基於服務的思維方式來實踐。DfMA 有衆多的優點,譬如工廠控制的環境會減少現場地盤的工作危險性;譬如預製組件優化了香港本地勞動力的使用,減少了地盤現場的協調和安裝工作,提高施工速度。
在正在施工的香港機場第三跑道航站樓項目,我們持續投入研發費用,歷時三年,開發出能提升BIM設計400%建模效率的AI KERRY STRUT軟件, 包含了AI智能建模,動態生成計算書,智能繪製模塊詳圖,自動生成錨栓打碼點位圖等強大DFMA設計功能。此外,基於LOD400深度級別的項目信息BIM機電模型,KERRY對接華固的GIT分佈式供應鏈管理系統,實現了以模型為中央數據庫,分層分區分房間分專業分系統分部件的,動態跟蹤新增及變更材料資料,實現訂單供貨碎片化,跟蹤編號動態化,材料延誤小時化。科睿輔助客戶設計出適合於現場安裝的預製組件,再選用具成本效益的材料與加工程式於預製工場內預先製造組件,從而降低成本和減少現場施工周期,為整個工程提升質量,降低成本並同時縮短施工時間。
KERRY Industrial acquired a stake in Hoogo China in 2023 and obtained the exclusive agency rights of Hoogo in Hong Kong. In the same year, KERRY also obtained the agency rights of Fischer anchor bolts through performance appraisal. KERRY has set up a DFMA (Design for Manufacturing and Assembly) assembly site in mainland China and has integrated and upgraded the design and R&D technical team in Hong Kong. Currently, KERRY is the DFMA supplier for the Hong Kong International Airport Third Runway Concourse project.
Over the past five years, the Construction Industry Council (CIC) of Hong Kong has actively promoted the application of DfMA (Design for Manufacture and Assembly) in the construction industry. DfMA in the construction industry is similar to the automotive manufacturing industry, which is product-centric, unlike the traditional AEC (Architecture, Engineering, and Construction) industry that is generally service-oriented. DfMA has many advantages, such as the controlled factory environment that can reduce on-site work hazards, and the prefabricated components that optimize the use of local labor in Hong Kong, reduce on-site coordination and installation work, and improve construction speed.
However, the electrical and mechanical (E&M) engineering of large-scale projects in Hong Kong is almost all customized products. The non-standardized routing principles, the architectural layout like a "space magician", and the challenging Client's consultant review process all pose great challenges for the implementation of DfMA. KERRY, with its accumulated experience in prefabricated design and product development, is providing solutions for the upgrading and transformation of E&M engineering in Hong Kong.
In the ongoing Hong Kong International Airport Third Runway Concourse project, we have continuously invested in R&D over the past three years and developed the Hoogo Strut AI Design software, which can improve the BIM design efficiency by 400%, including AI-enabled parametric modeling, dynamic generation of calculation books, intelligent drawing of module details, and automatic generation of anchor bolt layout drawings, etc. Furthermore, based on the LOD400 level BIM E&M model, KERRY is integrated with Hoogo's GIT distributed supply chain management system, realizing dynamic tracking of material information changes, fragmented order delivery, and dynamic traceability. Kerry assists customers in designing prefabricated components suitable for site installation, and selects cost-effective materials and processing methods for prefabrication, thereby reducing costs, shortening construction periods, and improving overall project quality.
In the era of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the accelerated integration of technology and resources between the two regions is promoting the enhancement of new productive forces. This presents both challenges and opportunities for the construction industry in Hong Kong. Kerry Industries is ready to embrace these opportunities and challenges with you!

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